5 Essential Android apps for the 2012 Olympics
App Type: Android

Our rating:
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 2.99
User Rating:London 2012 – The Official Game
Premium edition: $2.99, Lite version: free.
Ever fantasised about being in the Olympics? Maybe you were a hopeful but a career-ending injury ruined your chances (in the unlikely case that this actually happened to you, I apologise for the insensitivity), or quite simply – like most of us – you never dedicated yourself enough to a particular sport. Well here’s your chance to redeem yourself.
OK, so you’re playing it on your smartphone, are controlling strange cartoon avatars, and everything seems to be tinted in that sickly 80s magenta colour that’s was picked as the colour of choice for London 2012, but it’s still good fun. There are 9 different events to choose from, 3 different game modes, and hundreds of items to customise your avatar with. It may not be the next best thing to competing in the Olympics, or the one after that, but it’s somewhere up there.
London Transport Live – Android
Price: FREE
So many changes have been made to the capital’s infrastructure that even a local can get confused by it all (for instance, where the hell did that cable car moving over south-east London suddenly come from?). As such, you want to have an app that’ll help you navigate the urban jungle.
As it happens, the best app for this purpose is free. London Transport Live has its data provided directly by Transport for London, so you’re up-to-the-minute up-to-date on London Underground trains and even bus departure boards. There’s also an intuitive map and Journey Planner for you to play around with. With this app, London’s not such a scary and confusing place any more, though I still can’t get over how suddenly that cable car appeared…
Price: FREE
This big old app is your essential sidekick to the Olympics. From keeping up to date with the latest events, seeing what’s on near you, or even setting up meeting points with your friends on the map just in case you lose them.
The app receives on-demand and up-to-the-minute updates on everything surrounding the Olympics, giving you news, photos and access to wider features surrounding the history of London and the Olympic games. There are seating maps of all the main stadiums at the Olympics, and you can share just about everything on the app thanks to its integration with Facebook, Twitter and FourSquare.
It’s resource-heavy on your phone, but worth it.
Price: FREE
With the ease of access to all sorts of trivial information courtesy of the internet (or, more specifically, Wikipedia), everyone fancies themselves as a bit of a knowledge bank these days. With this app, you can put your smart-ass knowledge to the test. This app has thousands of questions relating to everything surrounding the past and present of the Olympics.
Locations, medal winners and the history of the Olympics are all accounted for, and you can even go head-to-head against a friend locally. If you prefer playing on your lonesome, then you can always compete in the online leaderboards. Owning this app, you can find out if you’re literally the most knowledgeable person in the world on the Olympics (out of anyone who owns this app, at least).
Price: FREE
The BBC Olympics app is a great app not only for those at the Games who want to keep up with what’s going on, but also those who are missing out on actually being there. This app covers every aspect of the games with all the professionalism you’d expect from the BBC.
Here, you get daily commentaries from BBC’s finest sports journalists, live video streams of the olympic events, as well as video highlights, features and interviews. Every single country, event and athlete in the Olympics has its own dedicated page, making this a real encyclopaedia for the sports enthusiast (plus, you then get to use your knowledge in the Olympic Quiz listed here). For those who won’t be present at the actual games, this app is the essential one.
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