Stand out with a great app design at 30% off: Offer ends in 5 days

On May 17, 2012

Scenario: You have an app and you want to get some mentions on top blogs and review sites. How do you go about it? Send an email and say..

“Here is another RSS reader app that does x and y, please can you review it…”


“Here is an RSS reader app that gives the reader a stunning user experience with its custom User interface…”.

Which of the statements do you think will help in getting your app featured. Review sites and top blogs don’t want to feature yet another me too product.

There has to be a reason why your app stands out from the rest. One way to make that happen is to have a killer visual experience.

Think of the best apps out there today. Flipboard, Path, Pinterest. They all use user experience to set themselves apart.

Granted, these companies have the funding to hire rockstar designers and UX experts and you don’t. That’s where using templates comes in to play.

Here is an example of a template that, when integrated into your app, will give the user a killer visual experience.

Gridlocked – iPad App Design Template

Gridlocked is an iPad App Design template that takes some inspiration from the Pinterest website.

You can get the Gridlocked template here at $47 (instead of $70). The offer ends on Monday 21st May, 2012.

Here are some highlights of the Gridlocked theme

  • Gradient Navigation Bar
  • Grid View with Irregular Cells
  • Table View with Self Sizing Cells
  • Comments Table View
  • Customize as you wish
  • Hovering Detail View

Click here to get the Gridlocked theme before it goes back to the normal rate on Monday 21st May, 2012