Those Who Have Been Able To Upgrade Are “App-Happy”- Others… Not So Much
The lines are long to get a 3G iPhone but even those who are looking to upgrade their first generation device are having to wait patiently. Apple’s servers seem to be overloaded and many who have upgraded iTunes are having to wait to get the App Store and iPhone 2.0 on their device.
I was finding some instability with the iPhone I upgraded yesterday so I figured I would restore it and reinstall the new firmware. All went fine until I began to repeatedly get an error message when the device tried to activate. Over an hour on hold with Apple Support later, I was told the servers were overloaded and I should just keep trying… Thanks a bunch Apple Support.
An hour after that my iPhone finally activated. Best of all, no instability so far.
Apple and ATT seem to be doing what they can to alleviate the congestion. Contrary to earlier reports, ATT is apparently allowing purchasers of the iPhone 3G to sign up in the store but then activate at home. Apple seems to have removed the 2.0 upgrade for the iPod Touch from their servers most likely to lesson the demand on a clearly stressed system.
For those who have been able to upgrade, though, the fun has begun.