Social Diary Review – Automated Journal for Facebook and Twitter
App Type: Uncategorized
Our rating:
By: AppEzzy
Version #: 1.0
Date Released: 2012-08-07
Developer: AppEzzy
Price: 0.99
User Rating:With the advent of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, blogs and diaries are slowly being phased out. As users are now able to post short feeds and excerpts of their life stories as it happens, there is hardly a need for lengthy journal posts. However, for those who think otherwise, Social Diary allows users to integrate their daily feeds and excerpts into a collated daily entry.
What I like about Social Diary is that it integrates Facebook and Twitter into itself, publishing feeds from both platforms into your daily entries. Moreover, Social Diary allows users to add notes to supplement these bits and pieces, where greater details and other thoughts can be added in alongside the feeds.
As far as the user interface is concerned, Social Diary has done very well in making the whole process well organized and smooth. Everything is laid out neatly in their respective corners and you will not find clutter or functions clashing with one another.
I await the day this app is ported over from the iPad to its smaller cousins.
For $0.99, this app is definitely worth the buck.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:N.A
Who Is It For:People who like to keep a record of their day to day lives
What I Like:The user interface
What I Don't Like:N.A
Final Statement:This app serves its purpose very well. Hopefully the developers come up with a version for iPhones and iPod Touches as well.
How many times have you started a diary and been super excited to write down everything going on in your life? Then, after a few weeks, you just became too busy to keep it up? It happens to many of us. In this busy life, it can be hard to remember one more thing to do everyday. That's where Social Diary comes in!
If you use social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, you’re already documenting most of life’s important moments. You might quickly jot down a moment at your kid’s birthday party, memories while out with friends or share some of your personal thoughts on Facebook and Twitter. Social Diary is a way to take all if these moments and use them as a base for your diary.
You can quickly import all of your social activity into a beautiful diary interface and breeze through your past posts with flip of the finger. If you see a post that you want to add more detail to, just tap on the notes button to add as many notes as you would like to that day’s activity.
Also, you can organize your posts by adding tags to them. Create as many tags as you need, all searchable for later retrieval. Need to find all the posts that you tagged with work friends? Just perform a quick search and you will instantly see all posts with that custom tag. It's a great way to organize your diary!
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.