Experience The Power of Yellowbook And Find The Answers While You’re On The Go
On July 22, 2009
App Type: Android, Blackberry, iPhone, Palm, Windows Mobile
Our rating:
By: Yell Group
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 0
User Rating:When was the last time you used an actual telephone directory? People are often surprised to realize that years have passed in which they didn’t turn to their trusty old yellow pages. This is due to access to such information via the Internet and mobile devices, and now the Yellowbook Mobile app is making this even easier. Because many yellow pages inquiries are seeking business information, the Yellowbook Mobile app is designed to help the user find their local business details through their mobile device.
The on-board GPS program pinpoints the user’s location and bases a search from that data. With a simple input of search terms, the user will receive contact names, phone numbers, addresses and even directions and maps. Embedded links also provide access to websites and results are easily sorted under various filters as well.
The user interface for the Yellowbook Mobile app are incredibly clear and easy to read and allow the individual to search by product and service or by business name instead. While there are other reference apps that deliver local information, the Yellowbook Mobile app is one of the few using both GPS and targeted indexes of businesses only to yield the best results.
There is no charge for the Yellowbook Mobile app, and it can be used on iPhone and iPod Touch devices as well as Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, and Palm devices too.
If you want to really get enhanced telephone listings targeted to your location and providing all of the necessary details, you should download the Yellowbook Mobile app today.