Put Things Off: The Help You Need To Manage Those Daily Tasks

On September 9, 2009

App Type: iPhone

Put Things Off: The Help You Need To Manage Those Daily Tasks

Our rating:

By: Nick Cernis

Version #: 1.0.2

Date Released:


Price: 2.99

User Rating:

We all know that our “to do” lists can often be unrealistic. How many things can really get done in the average day? While most of us want to really whittle those lists down, there are others who don’t mind putting some tasks off indefinitely. For them, the Put Things Off app is the ideal way to manage those “eventual” jobs or tasks.

This is a truly unique calendar app that allows the user to prioritize by a unique set of standards. There are trays for “inbox”, “today”, “put off” and “done”. The main screen depicts sticky notes that allow individual tasks to be noted and filed accordingly. The inbox serves as the location for any tasks that have yet to be sorted.

The “today” tray are those the user feels are significant and should be handled immediately, the “put off” can reside in that tray for three days and then the “auto nag” feature moves them back into the “today” tray automatically (even procrastinators can’t get away with it forever!).

When something is done it goes into the “done” tray where it disappears forever. When the user has four or more tasks in a tray it automatically converts into a scrolling list to prevent things from being forgotten.

While there are already all kinds of time and project management apps for iPod Touch and iPhone users, this is the one that allows for a more natural and effective use of time.

The Put Things Off app costs $2.99 for the full download and any updates are entirely free.

If you want a truly unique way of managing your time and ongoing projects, this is the app for you.

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david-james has written 465 awesome app reviews.