Obsessed with Hollywood: Test your knowledge before The Oscars
App Type: iPhone
Our rating:
By: MobileAge, Inc
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Developer: By MobileAge
Price: $1.99
User Rating:The Oscars are almost here and you want to impress your friends with your movie knowledge. The only thing is that you don’t know much about movies at all. In fact it’s hard for you to not fall asleep when you watch a movie. No need to fear, with an app called Obsessed with Hollywood you can quickly catch up on any important info from all the great movies you’ve missed.
Obsessed with Hollywood is a perfect app for movie buffs or anyone looking to become a movie buff. It asks you questions about movies from the beginning of film making, all the way up to present day. The app has two game modes, one that lasts for 25 questions and another called endurance where you can only answer wrong 5 times. Once you’ve completed either mode you can share your scores on Facebook or check out the leader board in Game Center. The app also has achievements to unlock which can become very addicting to try and reach the next level.
There may be other apps in the app store like Movie Trivia, or 80’s Movie Trivia, neither look as good or have such an extensive library of movie trivia as Obsessed with Hollywood. Plus Obsessed with Hollywood is built into Game Center. The other two don’t have that feature.
Obsessed with Hollywood is priced at $1.99 and is a steal at that price. Other movie trivia apps are at the same price point or higher and can’t compare to this app.
Hurry and grab Obsessed with Hollywood and get ready to impress your friends with your movie knowledge come Oscar night.
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars.