Why I Won?t Be Jailbreaking My iPhone… At Least Not Right Now

On October 5, 2008

Just a quick update in light of my “Why I’m Getting Closer To Jailbreaking My iPhone” post from the other day. To recap- I jailbroke my first generation iPod Touch because I really wanted to use Dock and IntelliScreen, both of which are only available by first jailbreaking the device.

I jailbroke and installed them with ease. I was immediately blown away by how amazing they were and was tempted to immediately jailbreak my iPhone. For once, however, patience and wisdom won out and I decided to play with the Touch for a few days first. I am glad I did.

Two days after jailbreaking, the Touch started acting up.

First, two additional apps I had downloaded stopped loading. Then, the device crashed repeatedly (it was all very “pre-2.1 firmware-esque”). Then, the Touch started taking on a life of its own.  It would be sitting there on my desk and suddenly, without any warning, turn on, flash and then turn off (again, and again, and again).  I reset the device, but it did not help. I synced. No luck. Finally, I did a full restore using the non-jailbroken firmware and… all was fine.

I am not sure what the issue was. I do know, however, that many people have jailbroken and not experienced any issues. Unfortunately, though, since my iPhone is also a device I rely upon for work, I cannot risk having instability issues again. As a result, for now, I won’t be jailbreaking.