iPhone Goes Mainstream- and We’re On It With “iPhone Apps For Busy Moms”
Join us in welcoming our newest writer Heather.
Heather’s been using her iPhone since day one and absolutely loves it.
She uses it for her work as office/corporate interior designer but she also finds it invaluable as the mother of two beautiful and growing kids.
Her iPhone means she always has her camera with her and can immediately send new pictures to share with the grandparents. Since Heather keeps the family blog, she can use her iPhone to post directly to it as events occur. (Let’s hear it for TypePad’s upcoming iPhone blogging software.)
Heather’s iPhone means she can turn on the Laurie Berkner songs while driving to help keep the kids quiet and she can plug in her headphones and escape for a bit to some of her favorite Dave Matthews tunes when its her husband’s turn to watch the kids.
Heather is going to be reviewing the entire spectrum of applications but is going to offer a special section called "iPhone Apps For Busy Moms" which will suggest and review some of the apps she find most useful for the more important of her two full-time jobs.
Join us in welcoming Heather to Whats On iPhone and look for her first post soon.