Google Latitude: Pin Point Your Friends Wherever They Are Within Meters of Their Actual Location
App Type: Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile

Our rating:
By: Google Mobile
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 0
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When you combine social networking and GPS you come up with something like the Google Latitude app. This is a fascinating piece of software that allows anyone using an Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Nokia or other mobile device to see exactly where their friends are and also contact them instantly. The Google Latitude app works for mobile devices and desktops, and it provides an innovative function.
It allows friends to connect through all of the traditional methods – phone, text and email, while it simultaneously pinpoints their location on the application’s easy to read maps. Users are able to share or hide their location as they wish, and the app always provides them instant access to their list of contacts via the integrated SMS, IM or phone connections. A user could open the app, find their friends and get a map to where they have come together for socializing, hiking, seeing a movie or just hanging around.
There are other location-based applications such as Brightkite, which offer detailed maps of neighborhoods and locations, but the Google Latitude has the immense power of Google maps behind it, which means friends from around the world will appear on the full map display.
The Google Latitude is free to download and can be placed on a mobile device as well as a laptop or desktop computer too.
If you are interested in creating a new way for you and your friends to communicate while on the go, and also enjoying immediate contact with them while you are at home, you should download Google Latitude today.