Dolt: Get It Organized, Managed And Done In A Visually Pleasing Way
App Type: Android

Our rating:
By: CurveFish
Version #: 1.9.2
Date Released:
Price: 2.95
User Rating:Have a bunch of different To Do lists? If so, you’ll want to investigate the Dolt app. It is a highly graphical app that lets you prioritize every event, make special notes about every item, and easily keep track of any number of completed and uncompleted activities.
Those using the Dolt app can create unique tasks, set individual notification timers using the presets or create a custom date and time frame, apply a priority level, extend or reduce deadlines, identify a task as completed, and even remove individual or batches of items altogether. There are options for adding detailed notes, and even making lists. For example, you can easily use this app to develop a lengthy shopping list, such as a holiday gift list, even putting some deadlines on certain items in the list and ensuring that you have completed your shopping by a specific date too.
The color-coded priority indicators makes it super-easy to track the most important activities and appointments, and the Fly Out menu makes it easy to sort and even re-sort every item on the list. The custom ringtone selection option for every item also makes it easy to remember all of the most important activities too.
There are tons of To Do and time management apps, but the Dolt app strives to support not only the management of the things that need to get done, but it also ensures that you actually get everything done too!
The cost for the app is $2.95 and any updates will be made available at no additional expense. This app is compatible with Android devices.
When you are ready to really get a firm grasp on your ongoing list of appointments, activities and things To Do this is the app to download.
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