UPS: Now You Can Take Your Shipping Department Along For A Ride
On June 21, 2010
App Type: Android
Our rating:
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 0
User Rating:No matter how large of a business you might run or own, you are more than likely required to utilize shipping services on a somewhat regular basis. This is a service that is out of your control, but it can be helpful to have some way of tracking important items. The UPS app for Android devices makes it incredibly easy to track, ship, and get quotes.
Those using the UPS app for Android devices will be able to rely on the incredibly user friendly interface to perform a huge number of activities and functions. With a single touch of the tab the app user can Track, Ship, Quote, find UPS locations, and even leave feedback. The Track tab does require entry of the assigned number, but once it is entered into the app it is stored permanently.
When the Ship tab is selected the user just enters the necessary details and creates the new shipment. Any pre-existing data, such as that available through the web-based user account, will be available through the app too. Finally, the app will use any GPS devices or a zip code search to indicate the nearest locations for dropping off shipments. There is also a handy Quick Quote option to allow the app user to retrieve accurate shipping charges while on the move.
This UPS app for Android devices is the exclusive approach to using a pre-existing UPS account, and there are no other apps available to access the services.
This app functions with Android devices of all kinds. There is no cost for the download of the app, but an existing UPS account is required for functionality.
If you require access to UPS information while on the road or away from the office this is the best solution to your needs.