App Toolkit-100 in 1 for iphone Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: KdanMobile
Version #: 1.3.2
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:It’s easy to be apprehensive about an app that offers you a ludicrous amount of features for the trite sum of $0.99. How much quality can you realistically pack in with such a small amount of money? While the apps featured in App Toolkit mostly don’t match up to the quality of equivalent stand-alone apps, there’s still enough here – and then some – to make this a good-value package.
The toolkit has an accessible interface from which you can access eight different categories of app (Business, Utility, Entertainment etc.). This form of organisation suffices for the huge amount of content featured here, and you can customise the interface with a few easy-on-the-eyes skins.
The apps themselves are hugely varied, in terms of both their function and the quality with which they fulfil it. The multi-language wordbooks are a neat feature, the Web Tools tab gives instant access to e-mail and various social networking sites, and in Life Tools you’ll find alarm clocks, recipes for cocktails, and even a menstrual cycle calculator (Being of the other gender, I have no use for this, but it’s a testament to the sheer amount of content here).
Speed dialling, fake calls and PDF readers round off some of the best features on offer here, though different people will no doubt find tools that match their specific needs. The least impressive area of this toolkit is the decidedly unentertaining ‘Entertain’ section, which features poor man’s versions of considerably better iPhone mini-games. But hey, for this price, you shouldn’t be expecting a collection of arcade classics, and there’s more than enough features in other areas of the app to justify the price.
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