AppAdvice: Reviews And Guidance About The Latest News And Releases
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
Version #: 1.1
Date Released:
Price: 1.99
User Rating:Have you ever thought about how many apps are actually available? After all, it is almost a pop culture joke to say that there’s an app for that…but the truth is that there are tons of these helpful and entertaining programs available. The AppAdvice app is designed to help someone wade through all apps and to make the right choices.
With the AppAdvice app you get access to AppNews, AppGuides (which rank apps offering similar functions against one another), AppLists (which group together a bunch of apps that will work for specific needs or individuals), AppReviews, Appisodes (a daily video program about all of the latest releases), New Apps (which lists the apps released each day), Updated Apps, AppSales (which shows which apps are on sale or discounted), and high-quality graphics to make everything clear and easy to read. This means if you are looking for a Facebook client you could have the app do a side by side comparison of all available and tell which is the right one for you to choose. Alternately, you could compare an older app already loaded to your device to a new one to see if the switch is worth the effort.
There are all kinds of utility apps, but the AppAdvice app goes far beyond simple utility. It is a continually updated tool for the true app addicts to use to make sure that their device is working to its fullest potential.
This app functions with iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
The cost for the app is $1.99 and all updates are entirely free of charge.
When you want to be sure that you are downloading the best or most appropriate apps for your needs, the AppAdvice app is a good choice to add to your device right away.
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