Thank You All…
Dear Friends,
It was about this time last year that Dimitri, Ron and I set out to launch a site dedicated to OS iPhone and the apps that would run on it. It was a mad rush to launch the site prior to the release of OS iPhone 2.0 and then a continued race to load the site with the initial App Store apps last July. In the year since the App Store has grown to over 50,000 apps, well more than a billion have been downloaded and the site has grown tremendously.
As a dedicated, some might say obsessed, iPhone user who really believes this is the next great computing platform, WOiP has been an absolute labor of love. Through it I have met some great people, have gotten to know and appreciate some of the top developers helping to build the platform, and I have had the opportunity to be constantly focussed on the newest apps or updates. I hope you, our loyal readers, have found the posts helpful.
Just a few days ago iPhone OS 3.0 was released. It is fantastic. This morning iPhone 3G S will begin arriving at people’s homes. (I keep looking for the FedEx truck!) Big changes are afoot for the iPhone… and here at WOiP, as well.
I have loved building this and having a site that I could claim as, in part, my own. For numerous reasons, however, it is time for me to bid What’s On iPhone fair well. This will be my last post on the site.
It doesn’t not mean I won’t continue to be obsessed, and write about the iPhone, I will, but through some of the other venues to which I have access.
For now, I wish all well, and know that the site will continue in the good hands of Ron and Dimitri.
Enjoy OS 3.0 and your new iPhones. No doubt this is still just the beginning.
App Update – Evernote Hits Version 3.0

Evernote is probably the most important 3rd Party app on my iPhone. I use it for just about everything from notes, to pictures, to documents I know I might need to access at any moment and more. It was on the iPhone from the release of OS 2.0 and has seen numerous updates since then. And today, as promised on the Podcast a few days ago, the next version was released.
In Evernote for iPhone 3.0 you can now–
An Upcoming App Worth Flipping For…

I love my Flip video cameras. They take great video, especially for their size, and are small and light enough to carry everywhere.
This Friday, however, they’ll get come stiff competition when the iPhone 3G S and its video recording, editing and uploading come out. The folk at Flip have taken some good steps toward securing their position, however. They have two HD cameras with much better images than the iPhone will have and they just announced a new service called Flip Channels. I have been using a pre release of it and now that it is live can openly say that it is an impressive addition to their offerings. In addition…
New In The App Store – Taptu

Google works just fine on the iPhone, especially now that iGoogle is back on line. But is it the only choice of search engines for the device? NO WAY!
Taptu brings a unique aproach to web searches on the iPhone with its new search engine. Designed to be finger friendly, it is intended for small screen. And it shows.
Updated: Documents To Go Now Available

It has been a long time coming but DataViz’s DocumentsToGo is now live in the App Store and… On Sale!
The standard version is currently just $4.99 while the version with support for Exchange attachments will run you $9.99.
I just grabbed it and I must say… first impression is…
Question Of The Day

With new hardware AND firmware on the way this is a HUGE week for Apple and the iPhone. The new OS will add a host of features and the new hardware, while not the homerun many were dreaming of, will take some significant steps forward.
So here is the question…
Push Notification Goes Live!

Word from 9to5Mac that the push notification system is already live for those running iPhone OS 3.0 already. (Developers etc)
If you have been wondering what it is, how it will work and whether or not it is a real replacement for background apps (it isn’t!) check out this video…
Does iPhone 3.0 Finally Get Apple The Longed For Invitation???

The new hardware and OS 3.0 are about to have a radical impact on the iPhone. The new iPhone will have video, a better camera and be loads fast. OS 3.0 will include stereo bluetooth, landscape keyboard and global search.
All of those are HUGE, but perhaps the biggest change, if eWeek has it right, is that these new digs will finally get the iPhone an invitation to… the Enterprise Ball.
Bug Or BackPedal?

Since last July reloading an app was as easy as "re-purchasing it" for free right on your iPhone. It would look just like any other over-the-air purchase except for one thing… it was free.
Then a few weeks ago developers running an early version of iPhone OS 3.0 discovered that when they tried this method a screen informing them that it was no longer possible would appear. Instead, the were told they could reload the app for free from a desktop or, if they needed to do it on the go they would have to repurchase it on their iPhone.
It had the potential to be more than a bit annoying.
Now word comes from appadvice (via Gizmodo) that this was "a bug" and will not be the case. A bug? A mistake? It was a polished pop up window that appeared every time you tried t reload an app. Now THAT is one polished bug!!!
Look, it is fantastic that we will still be able to redownload apps right on our handheld but I am left to wonder… does there come a point where there are so many lies that the people telling them stop knowing they aren’t true?