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nutsnbolts has written 18 awesome app reviews.

UPDATE – eMees is Free!


On April 11, 2009

I don’t know how long this will last but I was just informed that eMees is FREE! If you haven’t read our review, then look no further, download it now and don’t take it from us. What can I say? Sometimes a good deal comes around and well…just download it!

Quick Update: The developer had just contacted me and informed me that this giveaway or handout to all us cheap people is running this "Free" event till the end of Monday (EST) in celebration of the Easter holiday. They will probably won’t be doing this again, so get your eMees on!

eMees Avatar Creator – Review



By: eMees Avatar Creator

Version: 1.2

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2009-01-22

Price: 2.99


Take a Guess! From Revolutionary Concepts and Collect3 Promo


On April 7, 2009


…the makers of Picture and Video Safe.

Here we are again! Another promotion that we are going to run till the actual application is released. What is it? I don’t know! What does it do? I don’t know? Is it cool? I don’t know but I’m sure it will be because it is simply exciting! What is exciting? I don’t know?

Ok, basically, the way you enter is by replying to this post and take a wild guess as to what is going to be behind this door. What is behind this door? I don’t know! Wait, I do know something… this door is the intro screen when you first launch this “I don’t know” application.
If it’s anything like Picture Safe or Video Safe, it will definitely be something good! What is good? I don’t know!

I will tell you what I do know, reply now and within a matter of a couple weeks, the application should be released and the prize will be all three applications from Revolutionary Concepts.

1. Video Safe
2. XBMC Remote
3. Animal Snap!
4. XBMC Music Streamer
5. I don’t know…

That is a whopping total of 5 applications!

In addition, we will also give away 10 more of the new application (I don’t know what it is) to the 10 people who has the funniest guesses!

11 Pages of Goodness!


On April 2, 2009

11 pages of goodness, where do I come up with these titles! Anyway, if the title doesn’t state it all, from my understanding, the new 3.0 firmware will have, yes, you guessed it, 11 pages of goodness. In other words, from the current 9 pages we have on the iPhone, we can now have 11 pages.

For those who just got an iPhone, that is from 148 applications to 180 applications that you can have on your phone. (which reminds me, my 31 months old son’s birthday is coming up). I know that some of you are thinking, who needs that many applications…let’s just say some people *ahem*. I’m not alone…

Sneaky Slingy!




Ok, the title isn’t the best title I can come up with but that’s the first thing that came into mind when I heard about this. After searching SlingMedia for evidence of this fact, here it is. Get mad now!

Essentially, for those who has been anticipating the SlingPlayer mobile for the iPhone. Guess what! You better have the latest and greatest Sling box, specifically, the Slingbox Solo, Slingbox Pro and Slingbox Pro-HD. Apparently, the “new technology” within the iPhone SlingPlayer will only support those Slingboxes. There’s a classic case of marketing for you!

Convertbot – Review


On March 29, 2009

By: Convertbot

Version: 1.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2009-03-25

Price: 0.99


Ten One Pogo Stylus – Review


On March 25, 2009

Our Take:
First off, this is one of the three accessories that you can get from Ten One Designs. There is a “better” stylus called the “Pogo Sketch” which supposedly allows you more precise or accurate sketching capabilities.

What’s so Special?
What do you think? It’s one of the few styluses’ out there that has capacitive touch technology. Doesn’t that make you want one? Capacitive Touch Technology…Wow! Ok, I sort of made up the Technology part but yes, there is some worth to this stylus because the iPhone is considered to have a capacitive screen which means…
A capacitive touchscreen panel is coated with a material, typically indium tin oxide, that conducts a continuous electrical current across the sensor. The sensor therefore exhibits a precisely controlled field of stored electrons in both the horizontal and vertical axes – it achieves capacitance. The human body is also an electrical device which has stored electrons and therefore also exhibits capacitance. Capacitive sensors work based on proximity, and do not have to be directly touched to be triggered. It is a durable technology that is used in a wide range of applications including point-of-sale systems, industrial controls, and public information kiosks. It has a higher clarity than Resistive technology, but it only responds to finger contact and will not work with a gloved hand or pen stylus. Capacitive touch screens can also support Multitouch.

In a nutshell, you can’t use any ordinary stylus like your pen cap, palm stylus, or any similar type of writing utensil. Now you understand why this Pogo Stylus is very special. It WORKS!

iBluetooth – Packed Features but Jailbreak only!


On March 14, 2009

Bluetooth? Yes, you heard it right, Bluetooth done right on the iPhone. Unfortunately, it’s only available for Jailbroken iPhones. Does this entice you none jailbroken iPhone users to finally take the plunge? Although I personally have not fully gone through this application, I can say one thing, it is packed with features and possibilities that are still yet to come.




Here are a few things that it can allow you to do:

  1. Image support is built in, and the file viewer allow you to send ANY file on the device. Key word folks is ANY files. Freeing yourself from the cords is a cool thing!
  2. Capability to send Music from the file system. In the near feature, the developer is expecting to give the capability to send Music that is within the music library.
  3. A2DP (audio stereo), serial port (bluetooth gps), and DUN & LAP (internet navigation) and more…

Overall, this is wonderful news and we hope to see this go to the next level and adopt things that Apple have restricted for some reason or another. We will have an in-depth review of this soon. For the mean time, feel free to visit for more information.

Picture Safe 2.0 – Review


On March 7, 2009

Pictures Safe 2.0

By: Collect3 and Revolutionary Partners

Version: 2.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2009-03-03

Price: 1.99


FacePhone – Review


On February 6, 2009

By: FacePhone

Version: 1.0

Category: Uncategorized

Date: 2009-01-31

Price: 2.99
