Beat the Window – Review – A simple and spotless casual arcade game
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: AS Mobile Applications GmbH
Version #: 1.0
Date Released: 2012-07-11
Developer: AS Mobile Applications GmbH
Price: Free
User Rating:Hear ye! Hear ye! The Beat the Window Championship has begun! So, gather your rags and prepare to battle at breakneck speed against other window wipers all over the world.
Actually, all you need are your iOS device and your trusty finger.
Beat the Window is a new game that pits you against a virtual opponent as you strive to become the ultimate window wiping champ. In the game, you have to remove all the dirt and smudge on each glass window of each level. But it’s not a simple matter of swiping your finger over them and calling it a day.
As might be obvious by now, Beat the Window is not so named because you need to beat the window level after level. If that were the case, then what you’d have are windows that are broken as well as besmirched. Beat the Window is so named because you have to beat the time window that’s set by the reigning champion, the ultra fastidious Randy Doo. So, not only do you have to make sure that you don’t miss any stained spot, but you also have to make sure that you do so in as little time as possible.
Once you’re certain that your current window is spick and span, just tap “Submit” at the bottom. If the window is indeed already spotlessly clean, you advance to the next window. If not, Randy Doo will taunt your ill-advised hastiness and steal a bit of your time in the process. What’s more, you also get stalled every time you touch the window sills as you clean. It is through this interplay between sureness and speed that this otherwise super simple game becomes a truly challenging one.
Currently optimized for iPhone only but also totally playable on iPad, Beat the Window is as a free, ad-supported game on the App Store. It comes with six Rookie Championship levels, which you can unlock as you play and progress. If you want more hardcore virtual window wiping and time window beating action, you can purchase the game’s nine Master Championship levels in-app for $0.99.
Complete with Game Center integration to satisfy your competitive streak, Beat the Window is a surprisingly fun touch-based game. Factor in its brilliantly polished (no pun intended) graphics and you’re left with no window of a doubt as to its worth as a casual arcade game.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Low
Who Is It For:Casual arcade gamers
What I Like:Incredibly simple but considerably challenging gameplay
What I Don't Like:Does not automatically advance to the next level after beating a time window
Final Statement:You're sure to beat your occasional bouts with boredom with Beat the Window.
Last years champion Randy Doo of course wants to defend the trophy!
And it will be hard piece of work to become this years champion!
One of the best skill games in 2012!
Beat Mr. Doo and your friends and compare times within Game Center!
Just 2 rules:
NEVER touch the frame!
Clean out the window perfectly!