10 marketing resolutions important for all mobile businesses

On December 11, 2013

2014Even with the ease and convenience of technology today, online marketing strategies need constant updating to ensure that they are still viable and effective in the ever-changing mobile business world. 

As the New Year is just around the corner, why not make a few digital resolutions to help get you started on the right track in 2014. Here are ten suggestions:

  • Tackle social media marketing – if you haven’t brought your brand into the realm of social media, it is high time to do so. It is the most effective way to get your name out to your customers and this trend is not likely to change any time soon as more and more people are using smart phones and tablets.

  • Tweak, review, tweak – If you have already ventured into social media marketing, now is as good a time as any to expand and tweak your message. Pledge to review the comments left on a regular basis for the coming year.

  • Blogging – If you do not have a blog associated with your business, start one now. If you do, resolve to keep it updated with fresh and interesting content throughout the year.

  • Integrate your message – Online marketing is multi-faceted with success coming from effective search engine optimization, the use of social media sites and content marketing. Pledge to get all of these aspects up and running in the next year and integrate them so that your customers can seamlessly obtain information from any of them.

  • Build your reputation – Like brick and mortar stores, it is important for your brand to be seen as an authority in the products or services your business offers. Pledge to do what you can in the coming year to earn the respect of your site’s visitors. One way is to avoid fluff and content stuffing and only offer them information that is actually of use to them. It doesn’t hurt if that information is presented in a way that entertains as well as educates.

  • Like everyone and encourage them to like you – While the number of followers or friend is not the only way to judge the success of your social marketing campaign it is true that the sites with more followers get ranked higher in most search engines.

  • Get to know your analytics – There are many ways to evaluate the effectiveness of an online marketing plan, but none of them are help if no one is studying the data they provide. Pledge to familiarize yourself with the analytics and the nature of the information each provides you with.

  • Get visual – Humans are by nature lazy when it comes to information gathering. They want everything they need to know wrapped in an easy to access package. Graphics and images are a great way to attract a reader’s attention and get your point across with a glance.

  • Stay fresh – Online information has a very short shelf life. Pledge to update your content frequently, daily if possible.

  • Stay on target – Sheer numbers will not be enough to keep your business booming through the next year. You must be sure that your message is reaching your target audience, your potential customers. It is okay to sacrifice volume of visitors if in return your get a higher ratio of visitors that become customers.

Many people make resolutions at the beginning of each year, not as many stick with them. Perhaps the most important marketing pledge for your mobile gig would be to come up with a plan and stick to it.