5 Tips to prepare for the new privacy requirements

On March 16, 2012

Yesterday we reported on the new proposed Privacy regulations, today we will provide five tips that will help you prepare for these requirements. With all the suggestions being made by different groups it can be hard for developers to understand exactly what they need to consider before submitting an App. The suggestions below can help you prepare for the future regulations.

1. Release your privacy policies.

The biggest problem with the current regulations is that users are unsure of exactly what data is being collected. So in the future if you are going to collect user data simply state to your users what data you are collecting and what you are going to do with it. Don’t write them in legal mumble jumble; write them so everyone can understand what you mean.

2. Only take what you need.

So if you are going to collect data then don’t be a hoarder, yes we know that information is worth a lot, but some developers tend to collect way more data than they actually need. Even if you think you might need the data in the future, just resist the temptation.

3. Security is everything.

As we know one of the biggest problems that people have had in the past if the fact that their private information has been breached. We all know that this isn’t an uncommon story; we have heard the stories of large corporations losing face because they couldn’t keep their customers information safe. Data breaches can severely damage your reputation.

4. When is consent needed?

There are some types of information that require consent from the user, you should decide what this information is and simply ask for their consent before collecting the data. If you are truthful about collecting data your users are much more likely to click on the “yes” button! If you are unsure of what data needs user consent then consult your legal counsel who will advise you on the right course of action!

5. Children, Children…Children.

We all know that most downloaders of Smurf Village or the new Justin Bieber game aren’t over 13, therefore if you are designing a game aimed at kids make sure you comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. COPPA requires you to obtain consent from a parent before collecting private information.

The tips presented above are just meant as simple guidelines to take into consideration when submitting your next App. Those interested in more information can find it HERE.