All the Apps you will need for election day!

On November 6, 2012

So today is the day that millions of Americans have been waiting for it’s the presidential election, whether you support Obama or Romney you will be able to follow the happenings of the day from your iDevice. To make your life easier we have compiled a list of MUST have apps for election day! Whether you are interested in the latest news or the latest results there should be an app for everyone.



Election 2012

This app is really a must have app for election day coverage, the app is powered by leading journalists Hearst Television digital media stations around the country. What makes this app great is the fact that on election night, you’ll get full vote results, live streaming video, and real time updates from the app’s new “Live Wire” feature.

NYTimes Election 2012 

In addition to a ton of news coverage leading up to the big day, this free app from the New York Times will have the latest polling numbers, state-by-state projections, and live election results on November 8. Unfortunately, you’ll need to be a subscriber to see more than the top news stories, but it might be worth a month’s subscription fee to get all the election day goodness inside.

Washington Post Politics app has a host of new and different features, like fact checking, issue comparisons and even ad tracking.

With real-time tracking and averaging of polling data for the presidency, senate and congressional races, TalkingPointsMemo’s PollTracker app is a must-have for the truly obsessed number-cruncher.

The Hill

This super wonky news app is filled with original reporting and makes its inside-the-Beltway focus clear right from the home screen, where there are only five labeled tags: News, Senate, House, Executive, and More. That last one takes you to subcategories like Business & Lobbying and topics such as transportation, health care, and defense.


news and opinion can be tough to contain in a full browser, so the app would seem at risk of bursting at the seams. Instead, things might actually be more manageable here. Select the topics, blogs, and pundits you want to follow, set particular favorites to update automatically, and star articles to read later.

Presidential Election Race 2012. 

The $0.99 app will keep you abreast of polls, what’s happening in swing states and features a cool-looking leaderboard to keep score as the results come in. You can also customize alerts and updates for the specific results you’re following to get the max out of your second (or third?) screen.


CNN’s app offers a wealth of information from its array of correspondents covering the election results. The app provides a live feed of the network (if your TV provider allows) for those who can’t access a boob tube. Check out CNN’s 2012 Election Races and Results portal — widely considered as a trustworthy and steadfast source for voting results as they come in — available to view in any browser (including those on mobile devices).