App Store EA’s biggest retail partner
During their earnings call earlier today EA revealed that Apple has become their “biggest retail partner as measured by sales” as a result of the App Store. It used to be that EA was one of the major players on the console market, and they invested heavily in this area, therefore many are speculating that EA will be investing more in iOS and other mobile titles in the months to come.
They also highlighted several other facts, these include the following:
- -The Simpsons™: Tapped Out recorded its highest revenue quarter* in Q1 since launching in August 2012.
- -EA’s mobile and handheld digital revenue generated $103 million* in the quarter, a 30% year-over-year increase in digital net revenue.
- -Real Racing™ 3, the #1 racing title on iOS, has generated more than 45 million downloads, and has averaged over 2 million daily active users since launching in March.
EA also announced that “The Sims Freeplay” was the highest-grossing iPad game during the quarter. They stated that their earnings were around $90 million from its smartphone and tablet titles, however the company didn’t disclose how much of that was from iOS.