Apple airs "Do Not Disturb" ad with Venus and Serena Williams, timing a little unfortunate

On January 2, 2013


If you were one of the ones affected by the “Do Not Disturb” bug last night then this new ad from Apple might sting a little. In the ad professional tennis players Serena and Venus Williams are shown playing ping-pong against the narrator in a dream:

Ever had a really cool dream? I’m having one right now. I don’t want to be disturbed. And I won’t because before I went to sleep, I set this. Now my iPhone knows not to ring unless its important. Cause disturbing this would just be… Wrong.

Several news sites were reporting that Some iOS 6 users using Apple’s  “Do Not Disturb” feature were finding that their devices had not automatically disabled the feature on New Year’s morning. One MacRumors poster wrote:

I am in Japan so it is 2013, and I am finding that my iOS devices (iPhone 4 and iPad 2) are showing “Do Not Disturb” even though it is outside of the time I set for them. Not sure if this is related to the new year. Reloading the devices does not help and the software is up-to-date.

Watch the video below: