Apple preparing to launch an online diagnostic system for iPhone problems

On August 31, 2011

According to a French site right now Apple is working on an online system of diagnostic the devices problems, a system that would be officially launched in the coming months.

The system can check the integrity of the device opened by clicking on a link in Safari, a link which operates an internal diagnostics system that can provide information about the status of the device’s components.

Information recorded by the system is displayed to an engineer from Apple and he can provide a solution to solve any problems with the device.

Apple announced (internally) that they have put the final touch to the tools that will facilitate a diagnostic. It will be simple to use and can be used remotely.  In effect, this systems operates entirely online.

The system could retrieve data about the status of internal components including the battery, about the operating system version, or installed applications, on virtually anything that is available in the terminal. The information is then sent through an Internet connection to Apple where specialized technicians can read and diagnose. This system would be extremely useful in case of an emergency helpline to those from Apple because operators can find information about devices by simply offering a link to the user. Is not yet known when Apple will launch the new system but should be available by year’s end.

And the interesting part of this system lies in the fact that he could almost certainly detect if the device has been jailbroken and in this situation may refuse the guarantee directly.