Apple updates iWork and iLife suites

On October 22, 2013


Expected for a few days, new versions of iWork and iLife suite will be available starting today in the App Store and Mac App Store. iPhoto will have a new interface and a new way of organizing the iDevice, Apple is implementing including the ability to generate the application cards. iMovie also has a fully modified interface, those from Apple are implementing speed change video effects and the option to enter videos inside others, these functions are available only on Macs until now. All films made by iMovie are available on all Apple products if they are in sync with iCloud. GarageBand app will have a new interface and will allow editing of 32 music tracks on our devices, this function is most likely available on the iPhone 5S and new tablets this evening.

Now iWork suite applications are compatible with all types of documents, they have available a completely new interface for OS X and iOS, it allows a much simpler document management available on them. In the Numbers application, the new interface for iOS application allows a much prettier presentation and generation of spreadsheets, allowing making extremely fast presentations.

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For Keynote we are talking about implementing new animations and effects for users, most of them are available on Apple devices and also Mac. One of the most interesting new features is called Collaboration and it allows real-time simultaneous editing of documents on any iDevice or Mac, users can simultaneously edit documents wherever they are.

All applications for iOS and OS X are freely available on purchased and activated products, they are available now in the App Store.