AppSales: App Store Sales Reports For Your Apps At Your Fingertips
If you’re one of those developers who logs in to iTunes Connect ten times a day to keep an eye on the sales figures, AppSales is probably just the tonic you need!
AppSales-Mobile is an iPhone app that allows you to download and easily analyze your daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect. You can see daily and weekly trends, daily, per-country and per-product reports. AppSales-Mobile is an open source project (BSD licensed) and not available as an app you can buy yet, so you’ll need to check it out using SVN from Google Code and compile for yourself.
I’ve released a similar kind of project as well. It’s called Piano and is available on GitHub:
It’s a simple Sinatra app that gets your sales figures daily and stores them in a database. Then you can browse and sort your data any way you want.
It’s super simple right now, but I’d love some pull requests.
Awesome utility thanks!
how safe is this app. i am worried about giving someone else my username and password. can anyone look through the code and find out what they do with the username and password? if it goes through there server? if its stored anywhere?
@Robert – Source code is available on the web / download for you to look at.
I dug through the code today and found the following. 1) your password is stored in the OS Keychain based on your application ID. To deploy to a phone you’ll need to change that ID anyways to your own, say com.foobar.AppSales, so that limits what apps have access to the keychain. 2) Your password is only used by a few dictionaries which are all encoded for HTTP requests. 3) The app only contacts which is the iTunes Connect site.
So far I trust it – haven’t found any deep down code that’s stealing your password and sending it off to a foreign site.
How do I download and build this?
Also check out MyAppSales. This is similar but much more optimized. It was originally planned to be sold on the app store, but was rejected and now the author sells his source code.
We released first public version our utility AppStore Sales.
AppStore Sales it’s small utility for monitoring purchases your application in AppStore.
Support daily, weekly and monthly reports.
Auto-downloads daily reports from iTunesConnect
Detail information for daily downloads. Count of purchases, updates and re-downloads.
Summary information for all application
Various graph
Count of new downloads in dock bange
You can download it from
Update: The project has moved to GitHub:
To avoid confusion and the hassle of managing two repositories, I’ve deleted the project on Google Code.
I love your app, but if you have deleted the app from google code then please put a note there to redirect or refer to github website.
@ET: I second that. Please post a notice. Too many websites link to your forbidden Google Code.
Brilliant little app, just what I need to keep my interest up. Apple should buy this from you an provide it free to the dev community!