Bacon: Things Developers Love (20 – 21 April in London)

On April 5, 2012

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon an announce for a new event aimed at developers in London. What grabbed me first was the name. Can’t go wrong with Bacon, isn’t it!? And the lineup is impressive as well (check it out here) so we invited the organizers to tell us more about the ins and outs of the event:

The idea for Bacon came about following the visit of Mint developer Paul Fedory to Strangeloop in St. Louis. He found that the conference managed to strike a nice balance between tech and creativity. You can read about the emotional journey on our technology blog ‘Logical Friday’ here.

After finding a trusty companion for this voyage of madness (me,) we began building the best conference London had ever seen.
We started with a simple launchrock page to see if anyone would actually wanted to come and asked them to tell us what they loved.
This became the foundation for our speaker list and with the help of our awesome dev team we put together a wish list.
We started contacting people and explaining our idea and the reaction was amazing. We realised that if we were going to do it, we were going to have to smash it.
It’s just over a fortnight to go and we don’t sleep very much anymore but the excitement and desire to make it incredible seems to kick in after the coffee is all drank. So here are the facts:

  • Bacon is a two day, two track conference about things developers love.
  • It is the first conference in London of its kind.
  • The topics were chosen by developers.
  • The schedule was put together by developers via our awesome talk scheduler app
  • There will be 300 attendees at BACON.
  • They are coming from all over the world, the majority of attendees hailing from Europe and the US.
  • Our speakers are leaders in their respective fields e.g Chris Lintott and Astronomy, Hilary Mason and Machine learning, Brewdog and Beer.
  • Half of the speakers were from our wish list and the other half from speaker submissions.
  • It’s not just the staple tech conference circuit crew, it was important for us to have new and emerging talent like Steve Losh and Ben Fields speak.
  • Some of the most exciting companies in the tech and non tech universe are supporting us including Soundcloud, Mind Candy, Github and Heroku.
  • The venue is amazing.
  • We’ve banned recruitment agencies despite them sending gifts (which we ate) but seriously we’ve politely refused them entry.
  • There will be of course be bacon but we’re big on mealtimes at Mint and have got an awesome menu that caters to all.
  • The parties will be fantastic.
  • Everyone is guaranteed to a) learn something new 2) meet some excellent people and 3) want to come back next year.

So yeah, if you’re into mobile or web development you should really have some Bacon. Stay tuned for more updates and an exclusive discount coupon!