Best App Ever Awards: Better Odds
148Apps is running their Best App Ever contest again this year to “help publicize the very best apps available” across 55 categories.
I’m a bit of a broken record when it comes to app marketing: word of mouth to drive app discovery and social proof to give potential buyers remorse-free permission to purchase.
The Best App Ever contest fits nicely into my app marketing world-view. Wining an award is great social proof. Securing a nomination is driven by word of mouth. Securing a nomination is also good social proof, and with 550 nominations to be filled there’s plenty of room. And, of course, if you snag a nomination you’ll get sales from people discovering your app while voting.
It’s good stuff all around, and I want to help:
I’m part of the contest’s “nominating committee,” which selects half of the nominations. I’m going to nominate applications that come from Mobile Orchard readers and listeners.
If you’ve got a spectacular app that really stands out then I’d like to hear about it.
To avoid a crushing flood of self promotional comments I’d ask that you write your own blog post pitching your app for a nomination in a specific category and back-link to this post. I’ve got track-backs turned on, so you’ll get a link with the title of your post from here back to your blog.
Please don’t send me promo code! I can always write you to ask for one, provided your blog makes it easy to contact you.
Here’s one additional incentive: the magazine iPhone Life will feature write-ups for a number of the nominated apps in the issue they’re releasing for Macworld Expo. I’ll submit a few featurettes on the apps that I nominate, so there’s the potential for nice press coverage.
Have at it!
Didn’t have any luck with the trackbacks, so please accept a comment!
Is PhotoCaddy worthy of a Best App Ever award?
Swip gives you a reason to have Bluetooth. Check out Swip
My trackback didn’t seem to take either, so I’ll post the link here in the comments as well. Thx! Serving Sizer recipe converter–the Visual Design Process
One more: Date Wheel–Not Your Run-of-the-Mill Date Calculator Thx again!
My trackback doesn’t show up either. Sorry to hijack the comment section then.
Trackback troubles for us, too. Here’s everything you need to know about Documents To Go!