Celeste 2 For iOS 6 Will Be Released In Cydia

On August 7, 2013

Nearly half a year after the launch of iOS 6 jailbreak solution called evasi0n developers from CocoanutApps are preparing to officially launch Celeste 2.

If you did not know already, Celeste 2 application allows you to transfer files between Apple devices and other terminals using Bluetooth, which is without question one of the most complex applications of this kind. Although normally it should work on iOS 7 since a few months now, developers have updated it extremely hard and brings it to its users only now that iOS 7 is almost ready for release.

Delaying the release of this version’s tweak has to do with the fact that the developers have tried to integrate it as much as possible in the native Bluetooth of iOS 6, but this will not matter after a month. Apple has implemented AirDrop in iOS 7 and will allow us to quickly share files over Wi-Fi to any Apple device and Bluetooth will become just a bad memory. Celeste 2 will also be compatible with each and every Apple devices so you can easily transfer files wherever you want. Stay tuned for the download link of Celeste 2.