How-to Check iPhone Production Week

On April 12, 2010

How-to Check iPhone Production Week

iPhone and other Apple iDevices has 11 digits serial number, mixed both numbers and letters. Each device has a unique serial number and the format of serial number shoud looks like this:


aa = Factory and Machine ID
b = Year
cc = Production Week
ddd = Unique Identifier
ee = Color (A4=black)
f = size (S=16GB, T=32GB)

By using iPhone serial number, we can check the production week of the iPhone.

How-to determine the iPhone production week?

Look at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th digits of serial number (b and cc).

Tap SettingsGeneralAbout and get the serial number on your iPhone.

iPhone Production week

Here is the example:

Check iPhone Production week