Creepy iPhone Application Gets the Boot
It was only a short time before an inappropriate application using the Foursquare API would be made available and apparently Girls Around Me was one of it. This geo-location app used data from both Facebook and Foursquare to map out a chart of girls that are in the neighbourhood. All of this is done without the consent or even the knowledge of these girls as well.
Apparently, Cult of Mac saw this application and decided to report it to Foursquare. The API for the application was immediately cut off and thus rendered the application unusable in any way. Foursquare also responded by saying that they do have a policy about using the information that are available from the application and developers that failed to oblige with this policy will have their API removed. What is more surprising is that Apple had managed to approve the application even when it violates their privacy policy in more ways than one.
Girls Around Me should not have been around in the first place but nevertheless it shows how dangerous things can be with Foursquare around. People might actually get the idea from this application and create one for their personal use. With it not being made public, the chances of it being known by people is also less.