Facebook App to get “blazing fast” Next Month

On June 28, 2012

The Facebook app that is currently present on the iOS is certainly good but one of its downside is that it is kind of slow. The culprit behind it is poor coding which is made through HTML5. Since Apple has yet to incorporate the Nitro JavaScript engine to the UIWebViews API, the Facebook app becomes a victim of poor incorporation of coding. However, according to Nick Bilton from The New York Times, that will soon change some time in next month.

The reason behind his statement is that according to two Facebook engineers, the company have been focusing more on their mobile application, particularly the iOS version of it. The problem that they want solve is one thing and that is speed. With this being said and done, the company is said to be rebuilding their Facebook application which will be optimized for speed. This means that the application will go native as soon as next month.

This means that Facebook iOS users need not worry about the slow working of the app anymore. However, it should be noted that Facebook created the app on HTML5 was mainly because of its cross-platform nature. Because it is rather slow, the decision of going native took place.