First Official Apple Logo Appears To Have Been The Inspiration For The Colors Used In iOS 7
iOS 7 contains many changes that many users do not accept, doesn’t understand them and do not want them in the final version of the iOS operating system, but will have to accept the fact that it would be there.
Although no one officially knows what underlies these changes, an interesting theory suggests that the first official Apple logo would have been the inspiration for the colors chosen in the case of icons. If you look at the picture above, you will notice that each color of the logo is found in an icon fo an application in the iOS 7 and although this cannot be confirmed, the idea itself is worth discussing.
Although the colors fit with the old logo, they are much closer to the logo used by Apple in some new promotional material and on the right if the above image you will see this. It is unlikely that Apple now makes the transition to the new logo, but the colors present in it are found within iOS 7 and they announced major changes since the first presentation.