Greenpois0n – Soon Compatible With iOS 4.3.x
Greenpois0n, one of the simplest jailbreak tools in the world, and one of the most used tools will soon be compatible with 4.3.x iOS.
Chronic-Dev Team has published an interesting article in which they announced the forthcoming launch of Greenpois0n RC6.2 compatible with IOS 4.3 versions and later versions of the firmware on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad (currently, only the first generation), but is most preferred to use it on your iPhone. This means that in addition to the instruments already available for the jailbreak of our devices – PwnageTool, Redsn0w and Sn0wbreeze – will soon join the program developed by Dev-Team.
Greenpois0n, unlike the above programs, offers a much simpler and faster jailbreak solution. Don’t worry, we will keep you updated with the newest information‚Äôs about this. You will not need any file.ipsw iOS that will apply the patch, will be enough just to connect the iPhone to your computer, setting it in DFU mode running the program and pressing the only button located in Greenpois0n.