Has iOS7 already been Jailbroken?
The first question iOS users always ask when Apple releases a new version is can it be jailbroken? Everyone knows that with each release Apple tries just a little harder to close all vulnerabilities, and yet it seems as if iOS developer Ryan Petrich has found a way. If his name sounds familiar it is because Ryan is the brain behind popular Cydia tweaks such as Activator, DietBar, FullForce, and LiveClock.
On his Twitter site Ryan uploaded a photo of him trying to access activator, however the app seems to be throwing back an error stating that the “System version is too new” he also uploaded a picture to prove that he has indeed jailbroken the device. What is interesting however is that he doesn’t mention anything about the Jailbreak, one would expect that if it had indeed been jailbroken that then someone would be boasting about it.
Readers might remember that it took developers less than 24 hours last year to jailbreak the iOS 6 beta, so this is certainly good news for all those out there who are waiting to update their iDevice because they are using Cydia tweaks.