How Mobile App Developers Can Market Their Apps

On December 17, 2012

Today we have a great article written by our guest poster Natalie Bracco!


With almost two million apps available, and more released continuously, it’s challenging to get enough exposure for your app to compete with app juggernauts like Angry Birds. However, with the right strategy you can catapult your new development to the top.

Market Early, Market Often


Image via Flickr by danielmoyle

The most successful developers build curiosity and anticipation ahead of launch. Join forums where potential customers spend time. Participate in conversations and contribute thoughtful and insightful commentary. Compliment the work of others, and mention your own app whenever possible. Write and publish blog posts mentioning your app, but also provide readers with other relevant and valuable information. Is your app for Droid phones? Make sure you’re spending time in forums where Droid users lurk. Become a recognized authority in the field.

Put a Spin on It


Image via Flickr by mattbuck4950

If your app is going to stand out from thousands of similar apps, it’s got to look and feel different to users than the rest. The app has to be different, but your marketing message has to state this difference quickly and clearly. How does your pitch sound on a Twitter message? How does it come across in a blog post? Create a marketing message that grabs attention and begs to be investigated. Blogs and forums are increasingly linked to social media and social networking sites. When your crafty blog post about the upcoming app launch goes live, Tweet it, Digg it, Stumble it, Pin it and share it everywhere you can.

You Need a Killer Website


Image via Flickr by JoshMcConnell

The best app in the world won’t see the light of day without a pretty face for the world to see. Set up a website just for your app and fill it with information to excite potential customers about the upcoming release. Add a widget to the website and collect email addresses so you can send out an announcement when the app launches. Build anticipation for the app’s release by adding a countdown timer to the site. Make sure all the information you want consumers to understand about your app is readily available on the website – don’t make them work for it.

Get Your App Reviewed and Promoted


Image via Flickr by GoodNCrazy

Reviews can be scary for new developers, but it’s one of the best ways to stand out and get noticed. There are tons of app review sites, and there’s no reason to limit yourself to one or two reviews. Along with reviews, use app development platforms like Corona. This platform helps you develop a better app, but also helps promote new apps by publishing them in many markets at the same time.

Reviews and development platforms are hand-in-hand ways to get enormous exposure for your new app. is another site that consistently ranks at the top of search engine results. For $100 to $500 you can buy promotions and virtually guarantee your app top billing in its category.

All of these are proven ways to market great new apps, even for small developers. But remember: the app itself has to have merit for users, or all the marketing efforts in the world can’t insure it success. There’s no shortcut to developing a great app users will clamor to download.
