How To See All of your App's Reviews from Every App Store

On January 22, 2009

reviews.png If you have an app on the App Store, you might be intrigued as to the reviews and average ratings you’ve received from the various country-specific app stores all around the world. Moopf comes to the rescue with App Store Review Scraper. It does exactly what it says in the title. It queries each store and collates all of the reviews into a single page. Simple! As well as using it for your own apps, you could also find competing apps and see if the reviewers have any suggestions (or similar) that you could be inspired by.

If you don’t feel like trusting Moopf, Erica Sadun wrote an article for O’Reilly’s Inside iPhone blog on how to scrape App Store reviews yourself. Yep, it’s possible to do it in a single verrrrrry long UNIX one-liner (on OS X, Linux, etc, in any case).

0 responses to “How To See All of your App's Reviews from Every App Store”

  1. I also came across a Ruby based scraper script on Github: Works like a charm for me.

  2. I just released a new version of AppViz, an app for iPhone sales tracking, that downloads and displays these reviews as well (along with automatically downloading and graphing your sales reports, a geography report, a dashboard to get an overview of product sales, etc). There is a 30 day free trial available at