Indie developers fear new iPad could leave them in the dust

On March 19, 2012

When Apple announced the new iPad at the beginning of the month most people were ecstatic, it seemed as if the new iDevice did everything much better than the previous ones, not only does it posses more processing power, it also boasts a retina display. There is however a specific group of people that are not too happy about the great strides of the new iPad, these are the indie game developers.

The problem is that many indie developers have made it their business to revive old 2D games as well as breathing new life into old Point-and-click adventures. With Apple pushing mobile gaming to new extraordinary levels some indie developers are worried that they won’t have the money to create top-level visuals for their titles, and that’ll mean getting pushed out by bigger companies such as Ubisoft, Gameloft and Electronic Arts, who have a lot more money to throw around.

Some developers however don’t see the new iPad as threatening the future of indie developers anytime soon. Andy Rosic states:

Independent developers always face hurdles when new hardware launches. There are so many strategy and availability questions that have to be sorted out. Do you rush to support? Do you wait? Does it even pay? And so on. With this new iPad, most developers already have hi-res or even vector – scalable – graphics from supporting the 4S retina screens. So, making some quick alterations shouldn’t be out of most people’s reach.

With the release of the new iPad, it will be interesting whether or not it will have an impact on the  mobile gaming industry.  What do you think? Will developers need to keep improving the graphics of their games or will users still keep returning to popular games from the past?