iNews… News
There are two bits of news on the iNews RSS Reader front.
First… gdiplus just submitted, and had accepted, a lite version of iNews. The lite version is, of course free but is limited to just six news sources. It does, however, include all the wonderful, rich features of the full version including Tilt Scrolling.
Here, once again, is a quick video of the app in action…
The second bit of news, exclusive to WOiP, is a bit more exciting. In every email I have sent the the developer I have mentioned how much the app would increase its appeal if it offered full sync with Google Reader. Well, good news…
I was told by the key developer of iNews that bringing full sync of all feeds to the app is in the upgrade path. When I asked him to expound on this he wrote to tell me…
Our approach on the iNews version 2.0.2 is like this:
– iNews equip with 2 way sync Favorite Articles with Google Starred Items.
– If you have intesting articles you want to read while on the go, just mark as starred and sync to iNews. You are ready on the Go.
– Each time you refresh all the google reader feeds. It only download articles that have not been read.
– And if you read the article on the iPhone, just sync back to google reader, you will know which one has been read and not.
In other words, they will be adding ful sync, the key missing feature of the app in my opinion yet maintain its speed and simplicity of use.
I, for one, am excited to see it in action. Hopefully quite soon!