iPhone 5s Launch Risk Being Delayed

On April 17, 2013

Last week we told you that the iPhone 5S and cheap iPhone launch risk being delayed due to production problems, and today we find exactly the same thing from another source. An American Apple analyst partner visited the factories and learned that because of the problems to start the mass production of iPhone 5S, a cheaper iPhone and the iPhone 6 would have to force them decide to postpone the scheduled launch this summer. iPhone 5S is not yet in production due to these problems, the cheaper iPhone is in the same situation, and iPhone 6 will hit the market next year, but this was already known by everyone.

iPhone 5S is having preproduction issues with mass production at least a month or more away. This combined with the publicly discussed delay of iOS 7 puts a July availability at risk.

Given that neither iOS 7 isn’t just ready for public release, iPhone 5S will most probably arrive in August/September on the market and this would generate a delay in updating the iPad Mini tablet. Interestingly, the analyst sees a possible launch of iPad 5 in the coming months, perhaps even before the iPhone 5S, but the initial number of units would be reduced. Finally, analysts say there is not evidence of intent to manufacture an iWatch and the iTV still remains in Apple closed labs.