John Gruber On The App Store And Apple's Brand
John Gruber’s Tits and Apps is required reading. Read it for thorough analysis on Apple’s decision drop 5,000 steamy apps while selectively keeping similar apps from known brands.
John’s reasoning — “Apple sees the App Store as an aspect of its brand. Developers see the App Store as the entirety of the Cocoa Touch platform.” — perfectly explains the conflict with app approval and why it persists.
Interesting read, I didn’t know Apple was still allowing certain apps of a similar nature.
My guess is that Apple did this in response to this post on Signal vs. Noise, along with the preceding article:
With in-app purchase there, maybe there should be an upward bound to the number of apps per developer, determined by Apple per developer. It seems the problem is more with how the store was being overpopulated with somewhat sleezy apps.