Marshmallow Cookie Maker – it‚Äôs the time to roast some marshmallows

On May 15, 2011

ÔªøGet around the campfire because now¬† it‚Äôs the¬† time to roast some marshmallows! And all the people knows that an ooey-gooey, soft, warm, melty marshmallow needs some¬† cookies and chocolate to go with it! Let’s start this camping party to make some irresistible, marshmallowy, delicious treats!
All the items are not  locked in this game, so because of that you will be able to enjoy all the items in all three categories!



The first category is  the crackers one  where you will be able to choose graham crackers, chocolate chip cookies, apple slices, or rice krispie treats. Your tasks on this game is to put the pieces together like a puzzle, next, roast the marshmallow over a fire until it gets a golden brown color  , but be careful not to burn it and  finally, pick up  which flavor of chocolate you want to melt between your soft, warm marshmallow and your chocolate. Pick up from chocolate, mint chocolate, strawberry chocolate, or white chocolate but be careful because there is another task! The chocolate is falling into the trashcan! Your mission is to catch it with your tray before falls down into the trash!


via @iTunes