New Mobile Privacy requirements means more work for developers.

On March 15, 2012

The developers among our readers will undoubtedly have heard about the privacy issues that have been uncovered lately with Apps. Currently regulators are pushing companies to improve their privacy practice, at the same time Congress is contemplating new laws
to protect the privacy of mobile users.

It won’t be long before operators of major mobile application stores will start to require specific privacy policies from their developers when they submit a new App for the stores. How exactly this will look is just one of the things that will be discussed at the App Developer Privacy Summit scheduled for April 25, 2012 in San Francisco.

So what exactly does this mean for developers, well firstly in the future every developer will be required to improve their privacy policies, in other words you can’t just decide that you don’t feel like adding your privacy policies when submitting an App because it simply just won’t make it into the App Stores. Secondly with all the focus being placed on the privacy policies it will be much harder for companies to gather data without getting the consent from the users first.

What do you think, are the new regulations a necessity or will they just further complicate the life of developers? Check back tomorrow when we present 5 ways you can prepare for the new privacy regulations!