Reason Enough To Jailbreak…

On May 22, 2009

NO, I’m not suggesting you jailbreak your iPhone. If you do it is on you… whatsoniphone is not responsible. BUT…

If you do, there are some amazing things you can do with your iPhone that are otherwise impossible. Larry shared one last week when he described how one can enable streaming of Sling video over 3G. (A major "do it at your own risk" by the way.)

Well, for a variety of reasons I had to jailbreak my iPhone.

I’ve since been playing around a bit and am more wow than I had previosuly been when I briefly jailbroke a few months ago.

One of the most amazing things you can do with it after removing the shackles is this…



Yup, the iPhone does video well enough and, with Qik you can STREAM live and upload video with little more than a few screen taps. That alone makes jailbreaking worthwhile in my opinion. Again, however, do so at your own risk!!!!