Stupidness 2 – a really funny game

On May 13, 2011

Have you ever need to know what the¬† Theory of Relativity or more , and because of that¬† people plays practical jokes on you? Don’t worry you’re not alone ,Stupidness 2 will help you getting out.



This application will test your mental agility and problem solving abilities fully – and it might push you over the edge in the process. Stupidness 2 Pro is a really funny application¬† that tests your powers of deduction, mental agility and ability to follow the instructions

This¬† game¬† use all of the features that make the iPod/iPhone so popular; from the touch controls to the movement sensors. It goes without saying, you may look a bit¬† weird when you will¬† play this game in public as some of the level do require you to be pretty active – moving¬† your handheld device or spinning it around, which is not¬† discreet than tapping the screen.



via @iTunes