The Best Solutions To The iOS 7 Battery Problems

On September 22, 2013

As with every iOS update, some iPhone and iPad users complain of reduced battery life. The most serious problems U.S. have encountered with the Verizon network, but anyone can find that iOS 7 quickly reduce the autonomy.

Some independent tests have identified a strong decline in iPhone battery life, especially when Wi-Fi is turned on permanently. If you experience problems after the update to iOS 7, here are some solutions that you can try.

New features in iOS 7 that reduce battery life:

  • “Parallax” wallpaper – you can disable it from Settings/General/Accessibility/Collapse movement. The dynamic ones consume more energy, so the static ones are recommended.
  • Airdrop – you can disable it from the Control Center
  • Applications access to the continuously connection – can be disabled from Settings/General/Refresh Background

Classical solutions for iPhone and iPad battery life:

  • Reducing the access of applications to location services in Setup/Privacy/Location Services
  • Closing unneeded notifications (stock, weather, games, etc..) In General/Notifications Center
  • Dropping Push updates in favor of those every 15 minutes, in General/Mail, Contacts, Calendar/Retrieve new data
  • Reduce screen brightness
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off when not in use