The day where smartphones were revolutionized: Happy 5th birthday iPhone!

On January 10, 2012

5 years ago on this exact date, an important keynote address was done by the late Steve Jobs. As he goes on, he announced a device that would revolutionize the method of how smartphones would be and thus the iPhone was born. The first iPhone was a 2G device but what was amazing about it is that it incorporates a multi-touch system on a time where single-touch smartphones are plentiful. Such was the rapid development of the iPhone that it is now the most successful device on Earth.

The iPhone itself is highly destructive in nature. Palm now faces bankruptcy even though it was bought by HP and RIM is losing its grounds in the market. The buggy Windows Mobile system had to be scratched for a new one called the Windows Phone 7 and the potential of this platform is yet to be seen. In addition to that, it also persuaded Google to release with its Android operating system.

This device has changed so much that when it was first released, RIM thought that Apple was just bluffing about it. Now, it is improving year by year with a new version of the device. Happy birthday iPhone and thank you for changing our lives!