This Week In iPhone & iPad News – February 5/2010

On February 5, 2010

How should an iPad app differ from an iPhone app? VentureBeat piece on flirting/dating app maker Skout is adapting their app

All about EPUB, the ebook standard for Apple’s iBookstore

Objective-C client library for TweetPhoto API While other Twitter image posting providers provide REST APIs, TweetPhoto has made a native Obj-C client library available.

The iPad CPU: All You Need to Know About the Apple A4 The fruits of Apple’s $278MM acquisition of P.A. Semiconductor.

Amazon API Use Prohibited From Apps Popular app RedLaser tells the story of Amazon’s refusal to let them use their APIs from an app.

Apple Makes $209 on Each $499 iPad

Bookmarklet As App Store Paid App

Store Kit Simulator New project simulates Store Kit.

Old World vs. New World Perspective piece on the iPad.

Automating developer-to-developer distribution These build scripts make sharing apps amongst developers a snap.

What Drives iTunes App Store Search Rankings

Promoting Your iPhone in Print Better title: drive sales by handing out card-stock mock ups of your app.

App Store Expense MonitorFree OS-X software that tallies your total App Store spending.

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