This Week in iPhone News – December 18/2009

On December 18, 2009

Apple Redesigns US App Store with Less Words, More Pictures Apple has recently redesigned the look and feel of the App Store to better showcase the applications.

Bar-code Scanning RedLaser iPhone App Reaches 750K Downloads, Over $1M In Revenue Financial information on just how successful the makers of “RedLaser” have been.

iPhone Users Urged to Take Down AT&T What started out as a joke by Fake Steve Jobs may turn into reality come tomorrow afternoon, as long as there is a signal anyway.

Flurry on the importance of the iPod Touch

iTunes Label Connect iTunes Connect will be down over the holidays, but you might still be able to get your app sales figures from iTunes Label Connect.

Details on the actual Google Phone

All About In-App Purchases Part 1: Displaying Store Items By friend of the site, and Mobile Orchard iPhone OpenGL class instructor, Noel Llopis.

Swedes camping outside Apple HQ asking Steve Jobs to approve their app

PastryKit Apple’s own Mobile Safari web framework for creating web apps that are nearly indistinguishable in their performance and look-n-feel from native apps.

Cocoa Classes by Michael Amorose A collection of handy Cocoa classes you can use in your iPhone projects.

The 10 and a Half Days of Christmas on Gowalla The popular location-based iPhone app Gowalla is running an innovative holiday promotion which includes the possibility of “finding” a gift at your current location.

iPhone Users, Get Ready for Flash Games A new start-up “OneAppAtATime” is working to bring existing Flash games to the iPhone.

iPhone Development: OpenGL ES from the Ground Up Part 9a: Fundamentals of Animation and Keyframe Animation Part of an on-going series by Jeff Lamarche covering OpenGL ES on the iPhone. Definitely worth the read and make sure to check out the earlier parts.

Some Apps Worth Noting:

Movie Triva Game “Scene It?” Comes to iPhone I loved this game on the Xbox and it’s great to see that it is now available on the iPhone.

NYC Broken Meters Very clever: use NYC’s database of broken (and unenforced!) parking meters to find free nearby parking.

IKEA augmented reality app View your room populated with IKEA goodies. How Fight Club!

Lynchland – Liam Lynch Podcast App Musician, puppeteer, writer and director Liam Lynch now has a fun iPhone app with which you can follow his hilarious podcasts and more!

Want coverage? Send us your tips/links and/or post it yourself at iPhoneFlow

Holiday Giving: Support Mobile Orchard and receive 1,000,000 push notifications from Urban Airship, the iPhone app sales tracking application AppViz, the code generating Xcode helper Accessorizer, a 160 iPhone UI icon set and more. Details…

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