This Week in iPhone News – September 25/2009
Google: Apple Totally Rejected Our Google Voice App More details surrounding the rejection of Google’s Voice App from the App Store.
News and Announcements for iPhone Developers A new feature from the iPhone Developer Program that brings you regularly updated news and announcements for iPhone development (developer connection account required).
App Store Resource Center Another new feature from the iPhone Developer Program that serves as a resource for distributing your application on the App Store (developer connection account required).
Push Mail for iPhone and Windows Mobile Google has announced support for push mail on iPhone and Windows Mobile devices, making Google Apps a complete mobile sync solution for businesses.
Programming the iPhone for Accessibility by the Visually Impaired A great summary on a recent accessibility enhancement now available in iPhone 3.0 called “VoiceOver”.
Apple Approves 1,400 iPhone Apps In One Day Details about recent app approval statistics released by Apple.
Starbucks Launches iPhone App Interesting new developments from Starbucks.
AT&T Staggering MMS Roll-Out, Pre-Launch Jitters AT&T has finally announced support for MMS on the iPhone available this Friday, September 25th.
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