Twitter Kills Tweetdeck On Android, iOS, Adobe AIR

On March 5, 2013

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Some readers might remember that Twitter purchased TweetDeck back in May of 2011. Well today the Twitter-owned TweetDeck announced that they will be discontinuing support for their stand-alone twitter apps on iOS, Android as well as desktops, the reasoning behind this being that they want to focus on the web experience.

Even though we are sure many users will disagree, Twitter has stated that they feel their users will get a better service if they use Twitter through the web browsers. According to the TweetDeck website:

“Over the past few years, we’ve seen a steady trend towards people using TweetDeck on their computers and Twitter on their mobile devices. This trend coincides with an increased investment in Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android –– adding photo filters and other editing capabilities, revamping user profiles and enhancing search.”

So pretty much that means if you want to continue using TweetDeck you will have to use the web client. For those of you who want to continue using Twitter on their Android or iPhone smartphone, you will have to use the official Twitter app, or another third-party app like Tweetbot.

The Mac and PC stand-alone apps, will not go away, but will no longer get new features first.